After the event: Share the excitement and spark passion in others.Be sure to communicate with parents all about the transformation, including pictures and a blurb about the purpose and rigor behind your culminating activity. The day of: Host your students in the incredible immersive activity you have planned.An average transformation can take anywhere from one to three hours to set up. Set up the classroom the night before or early the morning of the transformation. 1–5 days out: Print and assemble any nondigital resources you have created.Look through your ordered supplies and itemize all materials. 5–10 days out: Create any final resources you may need.Additionally, begin creating resources for your activity, including pre/post assessments, activities, stations, and parent communication.

This could include running stations, working with a group, or just popping in to join the fun! Send out invitations to administrators, instructional coaches, colleagues, or parents. 10–15 days out: Think about who may be available or interested in assisting you with your transformation.Finalize the date of your culminating activity, and order any supplies you may need. From a social perspective, high school is more anonymous than middle school. If you are going to utilize any community members to assist in your transformation, reach out to them at this time. Students moving into high school found that there were more assignments and more distractions they worried about the expectations of the teachers, amount and nature of homework, taking tests, and get-ting good grades (Potter et al. 15–20 days out: Identify which skills you want your lesson to cover and any themes you will be integrating.